
Release - improved authentication flow and upgraded AI models.

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Wrapping up February 2024.

After major features like Image Generation and the ability to have conversation with documents and web pages, here we come to a milder February with polishing and small but important stuff.

  • We have re-worked the authentication flow. We stay on our principles for a fully decentralized, indipendent authentication and make it smoother over time. Now the sign-in paths are more clear either you use a WebLN browser extension like Alby or an external signer app like Amber. This blog post works as a guide.
  • Upgraded to latest OpenAI model: now we are on gpt-4-0125-preview and gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 which are obviously better, faster and the new 3.5 is also cheaper :)
  • Added quick-buttons to request a full document summarization or translation.
  • The chat history on the left now has time-based sections like Today or Last Week
  • UI touches everywhere: We have a much leaner Profile page, and fonts and colors cleanups troughout almost all screens.

Spread the news and for any question get in links: contacts channels links are at the bottom of every page.