
Authentication with no email or third party.

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Classic Web service sign-in

For decades, user identity for a web service has been tied to a username/password pair, with the username almost always being an email. Alternatively, there are “trusted” third-party providers like Go0g!e or Fa#e4o0k.

Users often have to depend on someone else to authenticate themselves for any service they wish to use.

How we do it

Not anymore. Now, the identity can be a private key easily managed by an app of choice called “Signer App” or just “Signer”.

With the app holding the key, a user simply goes to a service and the Signer App digitally signs a piece of text on their behalf. The service will then recognize the user and grant them access.


How does key-based authentication work in practice? Here are the current available options.

1 - Browser extension

The simplest way is using an extension for Desktop browsers (and Firefox for Android) like Alby, which is more than a Signer App and will hold not just your keys, but will also allow for payments with Bitcoin Lightning and much more.

If you have Alby installed and with your key setup, for instance the one used for Nostr, you’re set and can go straight to Sign-in and see the WebLN button enabled and ready to be clicked.

2 - Signer app

The only available option today is Amber for Android. You can install it directly from this link or using the Zap.Store.

Now you either generate a new identity or use an existing one.

Generate a new Identity

You can generate one in Amber, or from Frankie following these few steps.

  1. Go to Sign-in page and click on New.
  2. Scan the QR Code with Amber to store the private key to be able to reuse it later.
  3. Click Done and proceeed to the chat.

Use an existing Identity

If you already have Amber with an Identity, you can authenticate both via Mobile or Desktop.

  1. Click here and scan the QR Code with your phone camera. NOT with Amber.
  2. A link will appear on your mobile. Click on it, let the browser load and then Amber will be open.
  3. Once in Amber, click on accept to sign.

In a few instant, youd Desktop browser will be authenticated.

  1. Going here will trigger Amber to start, and a request to sign will appear.
  2. Click accept will send you back to Frankie and signin will happen.